Tag Archives: fail harder

Sinking in isn’t sinking

She found comfort in the nuances between success and failure, between a goal finished, accomplished, and a goal adjusted. Dave Eggers, from Up the Mountain, Coming Down Slowly

I like to think I don’t fail at much. I’m skilled at confident self-delusion. But even the best laid plans can crumble. I’m sure no one, not even myself, saw this failure coming. In 30 years, I’ve never failed a class. I’ve probably only failed a test or two. I have a master’s. I have a company in another country. I’m passionate, committed, creative and pretty damn awesome. Nevertheless, yours truly didn’t pass teachnola’s summer teaching certification program. I was not recommended into the classroom for the fall. I lost my teaching job before I even worked a day. What a strange experience. Yes, it was a .11 point difference. No, I wasn’t allowed to contest.

C’est la vie. Det är som det är. Continue reading

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